Welcome to the EverBio technical support area.
We provide our customer the material in getting more familiar with our instruments. If you know the product name and wish to know more about its specification, you may find it useful to click on the tab called Download Catalogue. Shall you wish to know how to operate the product; there are several online training sessions regarding the equipment you have purchased. Clicking on the tab called Video will lead you to them or click on the tab above to download the manual and you will find our instrument to be user friendly to operate; just simply follow the step-by-step instructions on the manual. All our products are certified and you can check them out by clicking on the Certification tab.
On the FAQ page, you can study or navigate to the questions that other customers have encountered and solution we provide to help you solve and to avoid the obstacles when using our equipment.

We know that our customers do not share the same resources and laboratory environment like everyone else. When you buy Tissue Micro Arrayers from EverBio, our goal is to support our products by fitting in your laboratory environment and daily routine workflow within your budget. EverBio offers modularized components and support program to make this goal more feasible comparing to our competitors. We design both in-house software and hardware components, and we are confident that we can offer far more than just maintenance, training and technical support.
Talk to your EverBio sales team about your technical concern…
EverBio provides various approaches to show our support to all our valuable customers. Instead of waiting for our reply due to time zone difference, you are recommended to try below links that may provide you further information needed.
Showing real-time demonstrations of EverBio’s manual, semi-automated to fully automated tissue microarrayers.
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Complying with regulations is the fundamental criteria for all our products to be released.
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Free download
For EverBio’s e-catalogue or manual of our TMA devices simply leave your contact detail and begin to download……[read more]
See what queries was raised before that may help you to clear your concern too.
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