Loveless, S., et al. “Tissue microarray methodology identifies complement pathway activation and dysregulation in progressive multiple sclerosis.” Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland) (2017).
Abstract The complement pathway has potential contributions to both white (WM) and grey matter (GM) pathology in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A quantitative assessment of complement involvement is lacking. Here we…
Botling, Johan, et al. “Biomarker discovery in Non–Small cell lung cancer: Integrating gene expression profiling, meta-analysis, and tissue microarray validation.” Clinical cancer research 19.1 (2013): 194-204.
Purpose: Global gene expression profiling has been widely used in lung cancer research to identify clinically relevant molecular subtypes as well as to predict prognosis and therapy response. So far, the…
Moch, Holger, et al. “High-throughput tissue microarray analysis to evaluate genes uncovered by cDNA microarray screening in renal cell carcinoma.” The American journal of pathology 154.4 (1999): 981-986.
Abstract Many genes and signaling pathways are involved in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) development. However, genetic tumor markers have not gained use in RCC diagnostics and prognosis prediction. Identification and…